Traffic Boost from 1 to 200 in Only 8 Months

Traffic increase
Keywords Increase
8 months
Updated date
September 18, 2023

The niche of our client is Communication SaaS. We found the leading competitors through a competitor analysis and created "competitor name + alternative" keywords.

Very beginning of the journey: February

At the beginning of our work, the metrics were extremely low. Domain rating was 10, organic keywords- 55. Every month we have created 15-20 backlinks for our clients.

The difficulty was with creating relevant and high-quality links. With our efforts and our partners' help, we managed to build backlinks in the website with an average of 69+ DR and an average of 60000+ traffic.

For more excellent results, we have used branded keywords. Our link builders reached out to only relevant websites in the same niche as our client. Building links in relevant websites is important in the context of SEO.


When the metrics of our clients increased, we started to reach out to websites with higher quality. So, besides the number of backlinks, we have worked on the quality of the links we create.

As a result, we optimized the backlink profile. At the end of May, the DR was 37. The number of keywords increased from 55 to 100.


Starting from July, we adopted several new strategies like content contributions and listicles. These strategies were highly successful, and the results didn't take much time. DR increased from 37 to 52. 

Besides, the traffic skyrocketed to 175!!!


Starting from scratch with a client in link building can be challenging because you need to build trust with other websites. But with the correct attempts and endeavors, everything is possible.
In September, we already managed to build links on the websites with 85+ DR. Now target keywords of our client are in the top 15 on Search Engine Result Pages (SERP).

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